Medical Cosmetology

Model KL Nd:YAG Laser Therapy Instrument

basic information
Release time:


Surgical Department

*gastrointestinal bleeding includes ulcer hemorrhage, portal hypertension and variceal rupture hemorrhage, gastric erosive hemorrhage, gastric hemorrhage, hemangiectasis of the colon, bleeding from a torn cardia, etc.

*gastrointestinal cancer


E.N.T. Department

secretory otitis media, aural pseudocyst, external ear papilloma, simple rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, nasal scar adhesion, nosebleed, nasal polyp,nasal cavity angioma,choanal atresia,tonsillectomy, adenoidal hypertrophy, retropharyneal folliculosis,keratosis of pharynx, nasopharynx cancer,rhinopharyngocele, pharyngeal cancer,UPPP,cyst of epiglottis,polyp of vocal cord,vocal nodules, the vocal cyst, laryngeal papilloma, laryngeal hemangioma, laryngectomy,BVCP, etc.


cervical, thoracic and lumbar disc herniation or herniation without seguestration or prominent nucleus pulposus with calcification, without bleeding tendency,without severe cardiac,cerebral, and renal insufficiency,and without bone stenosis, lateral crypt stenosis and posterior longitudinal ligament calcification.

Technical Parameters:

Laser unit:Nd:YAG 

Laser wavelength:1064nm

Output power on tissue:1-60W, step by 1W

Output mode:continuous output or timing output

Optical transmission:through optical fiber (¢0.4mm or ¢0.6mm)

Cooling: internal water cooling, and external fan cooling

The Principle of PLDD Treatment:

PLDD technic is one of the best comprehensive minor wounded operation in the world.Under the guidance of CT or Type C arm of X ray, to puncture into marrow core with pricker with diameter of 18G.Guide optical fiber into the marrow core through the pricker to boiloff the marrow core by the energy of laser, form an empty hole subsequently to make negative pressure inside the marrow core, retract the marrow core to its normal position, and release the oppressing to the root of nerve, thereby it could relieve or cure lumbar disk symptom.

PLDD Treatment Technique:

By using CT with three-dimensional direction finder to scan and monitor during the puncturing process, it makes the puncture target to aim the lumbar organ. The operation cauterizes and gasifies the puncture pot after reaching the target.

The PLDD Surgical Principle Diagram:

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Model KL-P Nd:YAG Laser Therapy Instrument
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Model KL CO2 Laser Therapy Instrument