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Please Beware of Deception

Kinglaser® is the lega lregistered trademark of Jilin Province King Laser Co., Ltd. Nowadays due to company's good reputation and public praise in the market, some other company begin to counterfeit "kinglaser" to do marketing and promotion online, some customers have complained to us, so we state that:1,ThelegaladdressofJilinProvinceKingLaserTechnologyCo.,Ltd.isintheChangchuncity,Jilinprovince,weneversetanybranchofficeinanyotherplace.2,Ourcompanyweblinkis,Kinglaser®isourlegalregisteredtrademark,whichisnotallowedtousebyanycompanyorindividualwithoutourpermission,otherwiseourcompanywillreservetherighttoinvestigateforlegalliability.
Please Beware of Deception

kinglaser®is the legal registered trademark of Jilin Province King Laser Co., Ltd. Nowadays due to company’s good reputation and public praise in the market, some other company begins to counterfeit “kinglaser” to do marketing and promotion online, some customers have complained to us, so we state that:

1, The legal address of Jilin Province King Laser Co., Ltd. is in the Changchun City, Jilin Province, we never set any branch office in any other place.

2, our company web link is

3, kinglaser® is our legal registered trademark, which is not allowed to use by any company or individual without our permission, otherwise our company will reserve the right to investigate for our legal liability.